Red RF routes
Route 212 (Palmers Green)
Page last updated 20 December
The last RF route introduced, an OMO conversion of a Palmers
Green RT route.
RF385 sets off from Palmers
Green for another trundle round the North Circular on 10 Mar 76,
ten days before RFs made way for Swifts. Note that the blind
display was not amended when the route changed to serve Brent
Cross. Behind is RT2488 on the 34 - AD and WW would continue
to run RTs on the route for another 18 months.
Photo © John Parkin
Dates of RF operation
18 Sep 71 to 20 Mar 76
(total 4 years 6 months, all OMO)
Brook Road (circular)
RF Garages
AD Palmers Green
Reason for single-deck
By 1971, XAs and the FRM were in double-deck OMO operation, but
these small classes were fully committed, whereas a number of RFs
were coming available. Those for the 212 came (with some
resonance) from Muswell Hill on conversion of the 210 to SMS.

11 Mar 76 and the brand new Brent Cross
M&S sees dented RF401 in the bus station.
Photo © JGS Smith, Peter Gomm collection
Route history
On 13 Jun 70, little more than a year after the 'real' 212 was renumbered the W7, Palmers Green's
workings on the well-known 'North Circular' route 112 (itself
dating from 1935) were withdrawn when the route was shortened from
Palmers Green to Henlys Corner. The section to Palmers Green
was replaced by RT route 212, which overlapped with the 112 as far
as Dollis Hill (effectively at the Edgware Road).
This was a 'circular' working, running from Palmers Green to
Dollis Hill, turning left off the North Circular and looping round
to rejoin at Staples Corner before heading back up the North
Circular to Palmers Green. Not much of a circle, but it had
only a single layover point. The route was crew-operated for
just over a year, with RMs on Sundays from its second month, until
OMO-conversion came on 18 Sep 71.
By this time, although Merlins and Swifts had
been introduced two or three years before, there were a large
number of RFs coming spare in the system. Whilst most of the
unconverted crew RFs on the 227 and
236, which finished in early 1971, were
withdrawn, all of Palmers Green initial allocation came from
Muswell Hill, where the 210 had finally
lost its RFs the night before.
The route continued unchanged for over four years, running
every 32-33 minutes (at 58-59 minutes for the round trip, it was
just too long to offer a nice tidy half-hourly service), until in
January 1976, when it was diverted Mon-Sat to serve the
soon-to-open Brent Cross Shopping Centre (John Lewis, the anchor
store, opened in March). This increased the running time
by only 3 minutes, but an increase in frequency to 15-20
minutes increased the vehicle requirement to 6.
You wouldn't think to look
at it that RF401 was newly overhauled when it went to AD in January
1972. Sitting here outside the garage with RF419, it looks
more like the builders' personal transport.
Photo © JH Reed, Peter Gomm
No sooner did the shopping centre open but the route was
converted to SMS operation on 21 Mar 76. One can imagine
standee buses being unpopular with heavily laden shoppers - for
whatever reason, the route was double-decked to DMS operation in
March 1977. This didn't last, as the route was withdrawn on
21 Apr 78 and replaced by an extended DMS-operated 112, running to
... Palmers Green.
route in detail, with timing points
PALMERS GREEN GARAGE, Bowes Road, Telford Road, Bounds Green Road (junction), Pinkham
Way, Finchley Henlys
Corner, North Circular Road, Brent Bridge Golders Green Road,
North Circular Road, Hendon
Staples Corner, North Circular Road, Brook Road,
DOLLIS HILL Brook Road, Crest Road, Crest Road, Oxgate
Lane, Edgware Road, Hendon
Staples Corner, North Circular Road, Brent Bridge Golders Green Road,
North Circular Road, Finchley
Henlys Corner, North Circular Road, Pinkham Way,
Bounds Green Road (junction),
Telford Road, Bowes Road, PALMERS GREEN GARAGE (daily except
evenings) circular one way (Mon-Sat 18 Sep 71 to 30 Jan 76, Sun 18
Sep 71 to 20 Mar 76).
1972 bus map © London Transport
PALMERS GREEN GARAGE, Bowes Road, Telford Road, Bounds Green Road (junction), Pinkham
Way, Finchley Green
Man, North Circular Road, Finchley Henlys Corner, North
Circular Road, Brent Bridge
Golders Green Road, North Circular Road,
Cooper Road, Brent Cross
Shopping Centre, Templehof Avenue, Tilling Road,
Hendon Staples
Corner, North Circular Road, Brook Road, DOLLIS HILL
Brook Road, Crest Road, Crest Road, Oxgate Lane, Edgware
Road, Hendon Staples
Corner, Etheridge Road, Brent Cross Shopping Centre, Templehof
Avenue, Cooper Road, North Circular Road,
Brent Bridge Golders Green
Road, North Circular Road, Finchley Henlys Corner, North
Circular Road, Finchley Green
Man, North Circular Road, Pinkham Way, Bounds Green Road (junction), Telford
Road, Bowes Road, PALMERS GREEN GARAGE (daily except evenings)
circular one way (Mon-Sat 31 Jan 76 to 20 Mar 76).
Year |
Mon-Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
1973 |
15-33 mins |
36 mins |
35 mins |
1976 |
15-20 mins |
20 mins |
35 mins |
The route took 54-58 minutes from Palmers Green back to Palmers
Green, except when Brent Cross Shopping Centre was served, when the
duration was 61-62 minutes.
RF allocation
PVR 1971 (Sep): Mon-Fri 5, Sat 4, Sun 2
PVR 1976 (Jan): Mon-Fri 6, Sat 5, Sun 2